Hayley Finch
7 min read
Noticing Neighbors Avery McKenna
There can be a lot of joy that comes from enjoying your own backyard, & one Girl Scout, Avery McKenna is expanding access to that experience

Hayley Finch
8 min read
Noticing Neighbors Laurissa McMillan-DePew, Gold Award Recipient
4 of 4 in the #GoldAward 🌟 series, honoring 4 Girl Scouts in the Class of 2021 by highlighting Laurissa McMilllan-DePew #Noticingneighbor

Hayley Finch
8 min read
Noticing Neighbors Kimberly Girkin, Gold Award Recipient
We are continuing our #GoldAward 🌟 Stories, honoring 4 Girl Scouts in the Class of 2021 by highlighting Kimberly Girkin #Noticingneighbor

Hayley Finch
5 min read
Noticing Neighbors Maya Kirschenbaum, Gold Award Recipient
We are continuing our #GoldAward 🌟 Stories, honoring 4 Girl Scouts in the Class of 2021 by highlighting Maya Kirschenbaum #Noticingneighbor

Hayley Finch
6 min read
Noticing Neighbors Abigail Collins, Gold Award Recipient
This marks the beginning of our #GoldAward 🌟 Stories, honoring accomplished Girl Scouts in the Class of 2021! Let's Notice Abigail Collins